Mobile Design

Tile Count

Choose the number of tiles to you will need

Depending on how you are going to layout your mobile you will choose the number of tiles you will need. For instance, if you are making a mobile for a family of 5 you may want to put a photo of each family member on one side of a tile. On the opposite side you could put the person’s name.

Depending on your design, you can order your mobile with 5 to 10 Tiles.

Tile Images

What to put inside the tiles

The tiles have a cover that pops out of the frame. You can insert photos, words or letters in the tile frames. The frame is designed to accept inserts that are 1 3/4 inches by 2 3/4 inches. Use your word processing software to crop and size photos and lettering. Print and cut to size.

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Wooden Dowels

Color options

The dowels are stained with either a light maple or a dark walnut color. You can choose the option that looks best with your images or the room in which the mobile will hang.