Mobile Assembly

The Mobile Kit

Kit parts include dowels, connectors and frames.

The number of parts in your kit will depend on how many photo tiles are in your mobile. There are enough dowels and connectors to hang and balance all of the tiles.

DOWELS – There are three sizes of dowels. the longest is the top dowel, the shortest are for the lowest level and the medium lenth dowels connect the top dowel and the lower levels.

CONNECTORS – The three types of connectors. The ones with rubber rings on both ends connect the dowels. The other connectors have a metal hook on the end for attaching to the photo frames. There are two lengths of connectors with metal hooks. The short ones connect to the low level dowels and the longer ones connect to the medium length dowels.



Frame layout

Start by connecting the metal hooks to the frames. The hooks can be pinched closed with your fingers.  Remove all of the covers from the frames. If a cover needs to be separated from a frame view this video to see how to remove it.

Organize the frames using the layout diagram with the number of tiles in your mobile. Assemble dowels and connectors according to the diagram.

5 Tile Layout

6 Tile Layout

7 Tile Layout

Insert images into frames

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